On my B'day..

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on
Today on my birth day about 45 minutes earlier i gave life a better chance.. I DONATED BLOOD :-) i think with that i might give life to atleast 3 people.. I had the idea of donating blood for a long time now, but i was waiting for the right time.. Today i thought it was tthe right time to donate and make my birth and the voluntary donation memorable.. I'm a really thin guy.. i thought looking at me the doctor would tell that i m not eligible to donate blood.. i had also on so many occasions heard from my relatives that i look thin and weak.. This made me think that i will surely faint after donation.. 2 volunteers accompanied me to Ramaiah Blood bank after a memorable b'day gathering.. i was just happy that even if i fainted they were there to carry me or take care of me.. But u know what i was wrong.. i was stronger than i had thought i was.. I Didn't faint or even feel a slightest bit of weakness:-) First thing that made me happy was that the doctor didnot reject me.. Second was the way the blood sank during the hemoglobin test.. i had really believed that it would float.. That is why i really wanted them conduct the test.. again i was proved better than what i actually think i m.. I had to ask the doctor to check my hemoglobin level and my blood group because he was about to directly remove my blood without any tests.. NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN.. Well i asked him to do the tests.. He actually wasn't happy but he conducted the test anyways and u already know the result.. When the doctor inserted the needle to remove blood it hurt a bit a for some time it was hurting.. but it was a soothing pain.. After 45 mins it still pains a bit when i move my hand but i dont think it is the case with every one.. Now i feel lighter both in my weight(becase they removed 450 ml of blood) and mentally.. I m happy that i did a memorable thing on my 19th birthday.. i will be ready to donate again after 3 months and i dont have any reason not to.. i m feeling good:-)