Blood Donation by students of MSRMC May 26th, 2007
The Saturday, May 26, 2007 held a very special importance for the students of MSRMC. For the first time they became active partners in the process of ensuring blood for all. Sankalp Volunteers were there in the class by 9:30. A short announcement brought in about 12 donors immediately. The number was good enough for one batch of blood donation. The enthusiastic students proceeded to M S Ramaiah Blood Bank for the donation.
Most of the donors were first time donors. They had lot of questions in their mind. The walk from MSRMC to the Blood Bank brought out all these factors clearly before the volunteer. Once at the blood bank, all of them were expecting to go in and donate immediately. But there was a surprise for them. It was time to learn about blood donation. The Sankalp Volunteer there ensured that in next one hour all the doubts and queries these students ad were resolved. The discussion started from need for Voluntary Blood Donation. On asking who will the people there want to take blood from in case of a personal emergency, most chose the members of the family. Graft versus Host disease and its implications were explained to them in detail with examples. Few of them were puzzled over the eligibility criteria for donation. The Sankalp Volunteer explained to them each parameter that is taken into account and why. They could understand why some people only donate 350ml while the others can donate 450ml of blood. In the process they also got to know about the importance of the donor record form and the need to keep it private. Since the group was keen on learning and knowing, the Sankalp Volunteer also explained to them the blood components. The Volunteer brought out the complications that are brought in due to whole blood usage and explained the terrible consequences of unwanted WBCs in the donor blood. We hope that this message of asking for blood components will spread far and wide in the medical community.
The donors were then taken around the blood storage and processing facility and explained what happens to the blood they donate after that. In view of donor assurance, the integrity of the blood collection bag and the other equipment was also demonstrated. The donors, at the end of this discussion, were just waiting to go in and share their blood with the suffering. As each one of them walked into the testing area the others waited impatiently for their chance. One by one as they donated, the Sankalp Volunteer there explained to them during donation and post donation care. A
ll of them felt confident and reassured on their donation. They knew this donation will make sure that emergency cases are helped immediately and helpless people are not allowed to toil in pain. 12 donations took place on this Saturday morning. But it laid foundation for a greater participation and commitment to the cause of life. In the time to come, we see the 700 students of MSRMC join in as one unit to fight the problem of blood shortage in our society. In the time to come we expect many more Saturdays to become the Day of Life Savers. With the students who are determined to challenge whatever problem comes in the way of progress, with selfless commitment and sense of responsibility, with participation and fewer complaints, the future of the motherland is very bright. Thank you all the donors for sharing the gift of life. The following people donated blood and gifted another smile, another laugh and another chance.