Independence Day Celebration
Sankalp is planning an awareness drive on Organ Donation, this time focused around eye donation, on this Independence Day Taken up under project Tiranga, this is one of way we wish to express our gratitude to those who gave us freedom. In case you are interested in knowing more about Eye donation, or you will like to join our celebration of Independence, please hit after 5th August.
Disaster Response Training
We have a remarkable track record of the speed at which we have responded to disasters in the past. Although nature has been kind to us since past some time but we as an organization do not take this as an excuse to let the disaster preparedness take a back seat. This training will be aimed at preparing the volunteers and other interested people to respond to any type of disaster in very little time.
You are invited to attend this training to be held in the 3rd and 4th week of August.
Blood Donation Camps
We want to achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation in Karnataka. The road is long and we are just getting started. Many more camps are required. Now the procedures, the resources required and the other related material have matured out and we are in a position to hold excellent blood donation drives. With the camps that have been conducted in July with enormous success the credibility factor is also high. All that is required now is MORE CAMPS. And YOU are the person who can help us in getting these camps. Each one of the camp that today stands as an icon of success and quality today was initiated by individuals like YOU. Please do not leave any possibility of the camp unexplored. We are here to support you. Cheers.
Quality Control
For the first time we are introducing a process of rigorous quality control in our operations. Sankalp will be evaluating the performance of each of the Volunteers and each of it’s Projects by making use of the most modern management tools.
It will take some time to set this mechanism up for our various projects that are running in Parallel. But the work has started and so inline with our work culture, the outcome is just around the corner.
Thought for the month: Work!!
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