Right toEmergency Care:
Date Of Judgment: 23/02/2007.
Case No.: Appeal (civil) 919 of 2007.
TheSupreme Court has ruled that all injured persons especially in the case of road traffic accidents, assaults, etc., when brought to a hospital / medical centre, have to be offered first aid, stabilized and shifted to a higher centre / government centre if required. It is only after this that the hospital can demand payment or complete police formalities. In case you are a bystander and wish to help someone in an accident, please go ahead and do so. Your responsibility ends as soon as you leave the person at the hospital.
The hospital bears the responsibility of informing the police, first aid, etc.
Date Of Judgment: 23/02/2007.
Case No.: Appeal (civil) 919 of 2007.
TheSupreme Court has ruled that all injured persons especially in the case of road traffic accidents, assaults, etc., when brought to a hospital / medical centre, have to be offered first aid, stabilized and shifted to a higher centre / government centre if required. It is only after this that the hospital can demand payment or complete police formalities. In case you are a bystander and wish to help someone in an accident, please go ahead and do so. Your responsibility ends as soon as you leave the person at the hospital.
The hospital bears the responsibility of informing the police, first aid, etc.
Thanks for Info
Thanks a lot for such a beautiful inofrmation. This will encourage any one to move go ahead to help accident victims.
Great work on the part
Great work on the part ofthe supreme court..
Though i came to know of it now, these kinds of info are very useful...
Disqus Comment
This is really a good move by the Supreme Court.. this will actually help save many accident victim's lives also people won't hesitate to help and injured person from now on..
The important thing is, most of the people still don't know about this order issued by the SC(the common citizen).. Some how it has to be made known to majority of the people...
Anyways it is good to see nice things happening around us:-)