Power of Association

Submitted by rakeshdhanya on

Meeting between "industrialist and saint -- this is between Jamshed Tata and Swami Vivekananda.

"On November 23, 1898, both were traveling from Tokyo to Chicago, and when Swami Vivekananda asked Jamshed Tata where he was headed. Jamshed Tata said, 'I am going to buy steel for my plants in India. Vivekananda's advice to Tata was that not only should he have steel manufacturing plants, but he should also start an institute that could study the science of making steel and today that advice has transformed into the Indian Institute of Science."


"This is how a spiritual mind and industrial mind worked together to evolve not only Tata Steel in Jamshednagar -- 7 billion tons they are producing -- but also great research institution was born