I wish we had a reset button

Submitted by rajat on

How I wish we had a reset buttons for humans too. A chance to do away with all the non-sense that we are into and start clean. After working/studying in electronics for 5 years I have realsied the value of the small humble option - "Reset".

I will soon share more on this. The idea was so engulfing that I though I will shoot a post rightaway.

Others who wish the same, please do comment!


Submitted by amitsedai on Fri, 16-Nov-2007 - 23:03


Sometimes I think "If I could go back to the time I was in school or even before, i wouldn't have commited those silly mistakes and maybe made some difference" .

However, its because of those silly mistakes and learning we are what we are today and thats probably why we say " Gone are the Golden Days".