What excuses do people give not to donate blood?

Submitted by rajat on

What excuses do people give to donate blood?
Please feel free to express yourself

Submitted by ankita on Thu, 30-Mar-2006 - 12:27


1> I have my exams after few days 2> I am underweight. 3> I have never donated before 4> i am scared of blood or needle or blood donation 5> i may get HIV. now adays its not safe to donate 6> my parents wont let me donate 7> my horoscope says that its not good for me to donate blood this month 8> i have to travel tomorrow. 9> one of my friend fainted after donating blood 10> its time consuming process n i dont have that much time

0> what!..I don't have any blood. It was the most shocking excuse i ever heard.

11> I have a very common blood group.

Submitted by souravroy on Tue, 21-Apr-2009 - 21:14


"I smoke. You patient will get cancer if he gets my blood." One of my classmates even said- "It's my blood. I won't donate. Stop irritating me!" I just smile then on his ignorance. 1 year later, many of the the lean girls of his class were donating. He came up and donated. Today he's a regular donor. I think the most common answer is- "Look at me. I'm so weak. I myself need blood.."