"In a very special way they bring a smile on my face, a hope in my hear and an assurance that we are heading in the right" direction."
The Beginning
They were not absolutely clear when they came in behind the reasons for joining our small family of Sankalp Volunteers. I told them from day 1 not to expect the bed of roses. This year, when they came, they came in big numbers.. For sometime we were really worried about finding enough mentors for these willing hearts who would shape them into next-gen revolutionaries.
The energy and the excitement in the crowds in the initial meetings flowed freely. Views and stands were expressed. Things were learnt. Plans were made. Over a period of 4 years we had been able to find a few handful volunteers. here we had 60-70 willing hearts who wanted to be the one.
8 weeks down the line
Two months later the scene was very different. lesser number of people were being messaged for the meetings. Those who had regularly made it a point not to reply to the invitation were dropped out. Some had expressed their desire to quit even before they had joined in. Others became too busy with their regular schedules. But.. at the same time, there were those few who made it a point to come week after week to the Sunday meeting and learn about the organization.
They were getting to know the intricacies of shaping your dreams and putting them into action. Small steps were being taken ahead. A very pedagogic approach was being taken and each step was aimed at ensuring that only the best ones get a chance to take up the opportunity that our our organization offers to us. Though the signs were good, the senior volunteers waited eagerly to see the outcome. They wanted to see if any of these young men and women finally made it to a level when they could be trusted and given some independent work. In Sankalp, the most valuable thing that can be given is trust and work.
Talk about the juniors and you see a smile on the faces of the seniors. They have proved themselves worthy of all the trust that we have placed I them. they are doing some fabulous work which is increasingly becoming a subject of admiration.
Commitment, initiative, handwork and delivery, these have put our juniors on the top.
Warning: This does not apply to all. This applies to the selected few who have worked to shape their way in recent past.
Looking Ahead
We don't mind the fact that the crowd of 60-70 people is gone and the attendance in the meeting in 10-12. What we are looking towards is you passing the test of time(including the one that VTU offers). Please continue walking. We are sure that you are going to give this city a summer experience that no-one ever imagined.