Last evening i was at my father s dispensary who s a general practitionar.Here i bumped into ex jawan mohd. jawed who was posted in siachen during 1999 kargil war.He s aged 40 as he took a self seeked break from army to look after he s ailing wife.while he waited for he s turn into the OPD i had a conversation with him which brought the whole idea of siachen and a soldiers life there.I have precised the whole conversation below---
He says when most of the jawans get to hear that they ve posted on warsite that too something like kargil or dras or siachen they are overwhelmed as they belive that they fellows out there at that point can get back to their family.
He adds that during winter getting water to drink is a big problem as the temps there are not in favour.Eating only packed stuffs makes teeth and jaws screech and mandibles too are jammed.
Next came the most important chapter of he s stay there.The war time.. he says that often the bullet hitting causes pain after jawan s taken for treatment.He remeber s a sunday night when news spread that pakistan had declared a nuke war on us.All fellow jawans with him wre racked up and decided to march ahead with thier captired postions.later it was clarified with truth."Those times were better than wat it is now" he says.. As we had a war at stake .. But now the soldiers there have to wait",Fight with two enemies the weather and then soldiers ,One a proxy war other a solitude one.
Later when he gets up and moves into the room when he s name is called he ends up sayin " Be it anyithin ice snow dust or bullets we see only one thing our motherland who s chosen us for its safety should be guarded,and also hope all our countrymen are with us".
In view of our project Siachen i d say to all mohd jawed s out there in siachen.."WE ALL ARE WITH U"
Jai jawan Jai Kisan
Well I feel so bored when i dont have any work for many days .....Imagining the soldiers who have to fight with the surroundings and weather to survive..Well it is out of my imagination....
i salute to the soldiers...
Vande Mataram
Disqus Comment
This chat wilI be really a booster for people here in Bangalore working day and night for this project.
Core of this project is to show appreciation for Indian Soldier and to get comments directly from them is really nice.
Thanks for sharing this conversion.