I came across this news report that I saw on NDTV today. (http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080039334&ch=…)
I could not resist but comment on the effectiveness of what the government is planning to do. Please note that my opinion about this issue has taken shape after getting a comprehensive understanding of why India farmers are committing suicides as explained by P Sainath in one of his Parliamentary Lectures. Even though I am immature and too far away from village matters and therefore, not exactly the right person to be able to give a very good analysis, the my views expressed here are an understanding of an urban Indian about the vows of his brethren there on the fields.
More than 1.5 lakh farmers have committed suicides since 1997 and the number is still counting. The reasons to opt for it are their mounting debts.
- Oh wow.. What a news.. Government want to waiver the debts now.. For past many years the farmers of the states which were once known for their crop and for the high yields are drinking poisons and hanging themselves. One must understand what brought about this change. I will compare Maharashtra with UP in these matters. The farm suicides that we have heard of are all from Maharashtra. UP rarely shows up in the list. Why is it so? Does it have to do anything with the crop that these people grow? Yes! There is the answer. farmers in Up grow food grains. Most of these grains are consumed within the country and their demand and supply does not vary significantly. International changes does not radically alter things for the farmer in UP because he still grows his crop in the age old way and sells it through the age old mechanisms. But talk about Maharashtra and the scene is different. This state does not grow food grains. It grows cash crops. It grows crops like Cotton that have a large international market. It grows oil seeds and other things that are directly exported to other countries. The seeds for these are being procured from international organizations and the marketing is again on an international scale.
There will be a loan waiver to nearly 80% of the small and marginal farmers with landholdings of upto 2 hectares, large landholders will pay back 75% of their total debt and the administration will take care of the rest.
But political parties point out that, the government plan still leaves out those who borrow money from private moneylenders at huge interests and are not part of the formal credit network like banks and cooperatives.
Its a move that may bring in votes in the next elections, but will sure provide relief to those farmers. Yet there is no alternative for farmers going to private money lenders.
I dont think it's just the
I dont think it's just the lack of Minimum support price that is prompting farmers to commit suicide. I think it's lack of guidance and lack of emotional support to face the battles of life that is leading to farmer suicides. When there is a problem in life, the first thing one needs to do is not to let down the spirit of life. But can we expect a farmer who is chased by the creditors, to react in such a way ? Can we expect a farmer who is burdened with the responsibilities like daughter's marriage or son's education to show optimism in dark times?I feel this is the area which needs attention. Idont think farmer suicides can be prevented unless this area is taken care of .
I should say it give a good picture of situation faced by indian farmers. I think we need mor einfo in this subject before we stand and rasie our voice.