The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was started in 1909 through the pioneering vision of J.N. Tata. Since then, it has grown into a premier institution of research and advanced instruction, with more than 2000 active researchers working in almost all frontier areas of science and technology. IISc is an institute of higher learning and is constantly in pursuit of excellence. It is one of the oldest and finest centres of its kind in India, and has a very high international standing in the academic world as well.
History: After a chance meeting Jamsetji N. Tata and Swami Vivekananda on a ship in 1893, where they discussed Tata's plan of bringing steel industry to India, Tata wrote to Vivekananda five years later:"I trust, you remember me as a fellow-traveller on your voyage from Japan to Chicago. I very much recall at this moment your views on the growth of the ascetic spirit in India... I recall these ideas in connection with my scheme of Research Institute of Science for India, of which you have doubtless heard or read. "Impressed by Swami Vivekananda's views on science, and leadership abilities, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata wanted him to guide his campaign. Vivekananda endorsed the project with enthusiasm, and Tata, with the aim of advancing the scientific capabilities of the country, constituted a Provisional Committee to prepare a plan for setting up of an Institute of research and higher education.
JAMSETJI NUSSERWANJI TATA Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata (1839-1904) was one of the extraordinary men who even towards the end of the nineteenth century was convinced that the future progress of the country depended crucially on research in Science and Engineering. He envisaged this Institute as destined to promote original investigations in all branches of learning and to utilise them for the benefit of India.After consulting several authorities in the country, he constituted a Provisional Committee to prepare the required scheme for the setting up of the Institute. On 31st December 1898, a draft prepared by the Committee was presented to Lord Curzon, the Viceroy-designate. Subsequently, upon the request of the Secretary of State for India, the Royal Society of London asked for the help of Sir William Ramsay, Nobel Laureate. Ramsay made a quick tour of the country and reported Bangalore to be the suitable place for such an Institution.
A 1914 photograph of the IISc council with its first director, English chemist Morris Travers (third from left — front row).
The main building after it was setup
On the Initiative of the Dewan, Sir K Sheshadri Iyer, the Government of Shri Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV,the Maharaja of Mysore came forward with an offer of 372 acres of land, free of cost and promised other necessary facilities. Thus the original scheme of Jamsetji Tata became a tripartite venture with the association of the Government of India and the Government of Maharaja of Mysore. (Subsequently, the Government of Karnataka had gifted lands during the Golden Jubilee and Platinum Jubilee of the Institute making the current land holding of the Institute up to 443 acres.) The constitution of the Institute was approved by the Viceroy Lord Minto, and the necessary Vesting Order was signed on 27th May 1909.
Images: Statue of the founder J.N.tata and the inscription below it at IISc.
Early in 1911, the Maharaja of Mysore laid the foundation stone of the Institute and on 24th July the first batch of students were admitted in the Departments of General and Applied Chemistry and Electrotechnology. With the establishment of the University Grants Commission in 1956, the Institute came under its purview as a deemed university. Legacy: The Institute has been able to make many significant contributions primarily because of a certain uniqueness in its character. It is neither a National Laboratory which concentrates solely on research and applied work, nor a conventional University which concerns itself mainly with teaching. But the Institute is concerned with research in frontier areas and education in current technologically important areas. This is also the first Institute in the country to introduce innovative Integrated Ph D Programmes in Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences for science graduates.During the past ten decades many are the alumni and
faculty who have gone out from this Institute to direct science and technology in the country, to create and nurture other laboratories and scientific institutions and to establish key industries. C V Raman, H J Bhabha, Vikram S Sarabhai, J C Ghosh, M S Thacker, S Bhagavantam, S Dhawan, C N R Rao and scores of others who have played a key role in the scientific and technological progress of our country have been closely associated with the Institute. The Council of the Institute confers Honorary Fellowship on eminent scholars and scientists and on those who have made noteworthy and lasting contributions to the cause of science and industry in India. Among the 24 recipients of this distinction are Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, M Vishveswaraya, C V Raman, J R D Tata, Vikram S Sarabhai C N R Rao.
The 3 pioneers of Indian Science: Sir C.V.Raman, Sir M. Visveswariah and Vikram Sarabhai were all honorary members associated with IISc
In all endeavours, the Institute strives to contribute to the scientific, academic and technological goals of our country, with a keen awareness of its noble tradition and the need for maintaining a high quality in all its activities.