BDO is expanding its wings!

The Volunteers are involved in taking up and solving the blood requests (34 cases from 15th March to 31st March) and planning for the re-arrangement of the section on the site, Apart from that, the Volunteers are now searching for possible blood search options throughout Karnataka.

The incident, which led to this activity, was a request from Davangere. A person was looking for 4 units of A negative blood in Bangalore for a patient in Davangere. But he did not have the prescription or sample to provide for the Blood bank. Then, the request reached the volunteers and after searching out through communities online and other options, the donors were found. But unfortunately, by then, the patient had been shifted to Tumkur for blood transfusion. So now, the Volunteers are preparing for blood search options throughout Karnataka.

There was one unit of apheresis donation made during the previous week.

Rakta Kranti:
(a) Colleges: The Blood Awareness week for Ammani College will be held from 31st March to 5th April. The Team Red for the college has been finalized and the Volunteers are prepared to organize the week. The students are talking to the Administration of the college to arrange for a camp following the Blood Awareness Week.
(b) Companies: A camp will be held on Thursday (3/4/08) in Alcatel Lucent from 3pm to 6pm. The expected number of donations is around 60 units.

Last week, there were no camps arranged because of sufficient stocks in the Blood bank. This week, the camp will be held on Thursday (3/4/08) from 10am to 1pm in MSRIT. Expected number of donations is around 30.

CTC Disha:
The hospital visits continue this week and will be almost completed by the end of this week. Last week, the Volunteers approached newspapers and tried to get them to be our media partners. But there was reluctance. But, the Volunteers will not give up and are now trying to find alternatives like articles, etc. During the visit, Indian Express newspaper reporter agreed to put up a report on the next day. The visit to radio stations will soon begin.

Sankalp Unit