Pinaka. It is a multiple rocket launcher developed by the DRDO for the Indian Army. Development began in 1983. The system has a maximum range of 39-40 km, fire a salvo of 12 rockets in under 40 seconds, with a beaten zone of 3.9 square kilometres. The system is mounted on a Tatra truck for mobility. A battery of Pinaka consists of six launcher systems, six loader cum replenishment vehicles, three replenishment vehicles, a command post vehicle with fire control computer and a met. radar. The Pinaka is a complete MBRL system with six launcher vehicles as a battery with each launcher having 12 rockets. A battery of six launchers can neutralise an area of 1000 m x 800 m. Three Replenishment vehicles, six Loader cum Replenishment vehicle and a Command Post vehicle with a Fire Control computer and the DIGICORA MET radar round out the MBRS system. The Pinaka MBRL undergoing development trials with DRDO. In 1983, the Indian Army formulated a General Staff Qualitative Requirement (GSQR) for a new Multiple Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL). The system was expected required to allow engagements at ranges greater than the 20 km limit of the Soviet and Indian built BM-21. In December 1986, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) sanctioned a sum of Rs.264 million to cover the costs of development. Development was to have been completed by 1994. The MoD nominated Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE) as System Coordinator for execution of the project in association with seven other laboratories of Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), of which, the Combat Vehicle Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE), High Energy Material Research Laboratory (HEMRL) and Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (ERDE) were major participants .
Salient Features
- Total operational time optimised for shoot & scoot capability
- Cabin pressurisation for crew protection in addition to blast shields
- Microprocessor-based fully automatic positioning and fire control console
- Night vision devices for driver and crew
- Neutralisation/destruction of the exposed troop concentrations, ‘B’ vehicles and other such soft targets
- Neutralisation of enemy guns/rocket locations
- Laying of antipersonnel and antitank mines at a short notice.
Mounted on a Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML) license-built Tatra (8x8) Kolos cross-country truck chassis, the system compromises a fully enclosed five man cab at the front with two pods each containing six rockets mounted at the rear of the chassis. The cab is fitted with an NBC Nuclear-Biological-Chemical) system and standard equipment fit includes a central type regulation system, which allows the driver to adjust the tire pressure to suit the type of ground being crossed and passive night vision driving equipment. Maximum road speed is listed at 80km/h and can negotiate a slope of 30º.The 214mm calibre rocket is four metres long, weighs around 275 kg, with the warhead weight of 100 kg. The warhead types which can be fired are anti-tank bomblets, anti-tank mines, incendiary and pilot shot. Maximum range of the rocket is in excess of 40 km with all twelve rockets being ripple fired in 40 seconds. The launcher assembly has electromagnetic elevation and traverse, with traverse being 90º left and right of the centerline and elevation up to 55º.Both range and weight of firepower compare favorably with the BM-21.
The BM-21's 40-round launcher can deliver 736 kg of explosives at a range of 20 km, while the 12-round launcher of the Pinaka can deliver 1200 kg at double the range .
Despite the fact that the staff project was preceded by competence build up projects, ARDE sought periodical extensions. It admitted in October 1997, that this was due to incorrect estimation of all critical and technological issues during competence build up stage. ARDE in association with the participating laboratories conducted 32 flight trials between September 1988 and May 1998, initially with a single tube launcher developed under competence build-up projects and later with the launchers developed under this project
.The Pinaka MBRL undergoing user trials with the Army. First 12 trials were conducted for propulsion unit evaluation and performance. After proving launcher prototypes, performance of launcher and salvo firing capability was demonstrated to users in June 1996. Phase-I user trial was conducted in June 1997. In all 279 rockets were fired during these trials. The rocket developed by ARDE could achieve only 82% in terms of range (37 km). Following the end of user trials in September 1999, the Indian Army decided to accept the Pinaka. While certain user requirements had remained to be fulfilled, the Army had decided that the Pinaka offers a quantum leap in capability vis-à-vis its existing rocket artillery. However, work continued on to increase the Pinaka's maximum range and develop two new types of warheads. DRDO also worked to cut the salvo re-load time from 15 minutes to just 4 minutes.The first Pinaka regiment was raised in February 2000.