Sankalp's 5th Birthday

On a relaxed summer afternoon, as people were bidding good bye to each other hoping for a restful weekend ahead, there has a quite a buzz in one small part of MSRIT. Some colourful posters on the walls stood out welcoming the viewers to the fifth anniversary celebration of Sankalp. The critiques who blame the upcoming generations for lack of consideration towards the cause of the society and the motherland should have been there. The ones who are cribbing all the time about any and everything under the sun should have been there. They should have been there to watch an elegant seminar hall, with about a hundred young men and women discussing and getting to know more about working their way towards a land of their dreams.

Young men and women who have worked round the year in various different spheres of activity took their turns to walk up to the stage and acquaint the audience with what they have been doing in the last year and what are their plans for the future. Their voice was a bit nervous - for they are not the ones who are so used to walking up on stage.. But in what they spoke, one could clearly hear the voice of a person who is one with the cause. In the small talks that they gave, they spoke about the challenge that they and their team-mates have taken on themselves to make sure that the world becomes a better place.

The presence of the believers who have faith in Sankalp and what it stands for was really encouraging for the volunteers. They are the ones whose eyes promise to stand by the side of the volunteers as their struggle their way through the toughest of times. The way their eyes light up when they hear of hope and promise made the occasion a truly enthralling one.

The most beautiful part of the programme was the time when the young volunteers of Sankalp spoke about their transition to being a Volunteer for the organization. They shared with the audience the moments that brought in magic into their lives and changes the course of things for the time to come. Each one of them made a choice to walk the road that is full of thorns.. each one of them made a choice to take the hard way ahead.

The anniversary programme was also a time to look back at those who have silently contributed to the growth of this organization. From the days when it was a dream that everyone seemed to question, till the time that it stands as a hope for the suffering and the helpless, the journey has not been easy. The only relief has come from those numerous hearts who believed in the cause and contributed to it.

Fifth year of Sankalp, comes with greater responsibilities, more opportunities and a greater challenge to overcome. Gods willing, we will continue to grow and contribute to the cause that we have taken up. The cause of life - a promise - to give life a better chance.