Ammanni College

Wonders do happen in the world, and they happen because of the few motivated people.

Few students of Ammanni college put their heart into taking the message of blood donation. Today, there are hundreds of students of Ammanni College who are willing to donate blood voluntarily. There are students who are ready to fight their odds and donate blood voluntarily. And the work of "Team Red" of Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni Women's College, Bangalore paid off.

From 31-3-08 to 5-4-08, Rakta Kranti Colleges team organised a Blood Awareness Week in Ammanni College. After the great success of Blood Awareness week in Saptagiri College of Engineering, where we learnt that its not that difficult to convince students about the actual blood scenario, we started off for our new Awareness week in Ammanni college. A great support was provided to Sankalp volunteers by Ms. Chaitanya (NCC Officer of Ammanni college). She gathered her students for an introduction talk from which we received dedicated volunteers (Vidya, Pratima). These volunteers were trained thereafter about blood donation. Posters were put up, the message of blood donation that depicted blood scenario, awareness and motivation was taken to the students of their college by the Team Red in that college. Starting on Tuesday, majority of the classes were covered till Friday.

The Blood awareness Week started off well but due to some inconvenience on Saturday (5-4-08), the Team Red of Ammanni College postponed the skit to Tuesday and later to next Saturday (12-4-08). Because it was postponed the impact of the programme was thought to be less. Nevertheless the skit was practiced even better and a one-hour programme was performed on 12-4-08. Due to some problem in mic we couldn't gather much audience but those who came were very inspired and motivated by the skit. Questions were asked, answers were given. It was nice to see people participating, trying to know more and more about blood donation.

At the end proper feedback from the volunteers and the audience were taken after the programme. Though we couldn't get a camp right now due to exams in that college, but still we will be getting a blood donation camp from that college. We are hoping for more such awareness weeks in different colleges to mark a "Rakta Kranti" among the youth.