The heart that aches and the eyes that cry. The mind that refuses to accept injustice and the hands crave to set things right. Ah! The life of a person touched by an iota of sensitivity is one of perpetual pain.
There are those hearts that can sense the pain of others. there are those souls that can get hurt with injustice when things look fine to a normal eyes.
Magic Wand is what I ask you O almighty. Give me a magic wand that I can wade to get things right. if there is no magic wand then show me the way.
Standing on the crossroad when I see around, every path seems to call out to me. I wanna give my heart to each but built I have a problem - where to start and which way to proceed.
Ah life - I wanna give you a meaning before I go. I may not be the one answer to all the things but I wanna set something right. I wanna DO SOMETHING.
Pain inspires - pain motivates. Pain takes a person to the road no one will dare to walk. I know I have pain inside. Now what I need to learn is to harness it and hold on to one road.
Nothing comes for free. Everything asks for a price to be paid. Id rather put in all I have to one thing. I am small the problems are large. I will prefer digging one than touching all.
May life give me the piece of mind to hold on. Put all in one. And one day - see my goal - before moving to the next!
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