Let us implement from today, during lunch hours.
Here is a chance to make a difference, by devoting JUST 10 seconds a day. You don't need to go anywhere, donate money, stage protests, or shout slogans.
How? If you use computer to work, just remember to switch off your monitor every time you leave your desk. Very simple, isn't it?
What difference does it make? Roughly, normal monitors consume around 150 W. Even if your screen remains ON for 1 hour per day without any use, energy wasted per day is 150 W-h (or 0.15 "units"). This is enough to light a small lamp for 10 hours! If you care to switch off your monitor each time you leave your place, you save electricity enough for basic household needs of a small family in a village! If your monitor remains ON overnight, this figure becomes 10-fold - so you can probably save electricity for 10 families. And supposing that you leave your seat 5 times a day and it takes 1 second to switch the monitor ON/OFF, you spend only 10 seconds a day for this deed which saves LOTS of energy on a long run!
If Your are ready to to join us
Make your Name and location listed in the link below so that , every 1 can take inspiration from u....
Here is a chance to make a difference, by devoting JUST 10 seconds a day. You don't need to go anywhere, donate money, stage protests, or shout slogans.
How? If you use computer to work, just remember to switch off your monitor every time you leave your desk. Very simple, isn't it?
What difference does it make? Roughly, normal monitors consume around 150 W. Even if your screen remains ON for 1 hour per day without any use, energy wasted per day is 150 W-h (or 0.15 "units"). This is enough to light a small lamp for 10 hours! If you care to switch off your monitor each time you leave your place, you save electricity enough for basic household needs of a small family in a village! If your monitor remains ON overnight, this figure becomes 10-fold - so you can probably save electricity for 10 families. And supposing that you leave your seat 5 times a day and it takes 1 second to switch the monitor ON/OFF, you spend only 10 seconds a day for this deed which saves LOTS of energy on a long run!
If Your are ready to to join us
Make your Name and location listed in the link below so that , every 1 can take inspiration from u....
good start friend
From now i will try to switch off the monitor i go away for some work....i dont know will other like doing this or not but i like this kind of small effort to put ....i know it will not have big impact on society but i will surely have impact on me...GOOD IDEA
The way to go
What Venu has just shown us is an example of how we can stop thinking and start contributing. Big changes are set in by small ones.. Please do it always.. Extend it as per your conditions.. This is truly the way to start
Good analysing factor
Good analysing factor....
When i read this, i didnt believe that it will lead to any change.But when i tried, i felt it may not be a considerable contribution for society,but it helped me to recognise some kind of responsibility towards our own society.
i m definetly going 2 switch
i m definetly going 2 switch off d computer when not in use. after all "DROPS OF WATER MAKES THE DEEP OCEANS".
Good Going Snigdha
That is very true. Small drops only make an ocean.
The front page of the site will expose you to Sankalp Giri. every time you refresh the page you will see a new image in bottom center which will ask you do one such small thing which you can adopt in your life.
Jai Hind
wow!!!!! i really din know
wow!!!!! i really din know dat keeping monitor on for an hour without doing anything wolud be such a loss of energy... infact my sister and me would keep it on the whole day.....
now will make sure i will put off the monitor every minute its not in use n will make my sister do the same
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