Sankalp India Foundation has working team across multiple locations. The people who are Sankalp Volunteers belong to diverse backgrounds ranging from students to working professionals. At the same time the various Sankalp wings have aggressive targets to achieve and their track record of delivery is fairly good.
In these diverse, yet demanding conditions the organization has felt the need for putting in place very efficient and effective information sharing mechanisms. These are tools that are meant to ensure high efficiency, high visibility and improve performance. These mechanism have been designed and tailor made for our activities and they have been found to be great performance boosters for the organization. They have emerged into processes that all Sankalp Volunteers are expected to know about and put to use.
Any good organization will like to monitor and keep under strict vigil the processes they follow. This ensures that expansion and growth does not lead to dilution of purposes and introduction of un-necessary overheads. In order to keep our processes simple and yet effective, we need to periodically review them and take corrective action.
The results of Sankalp Process Survey 2008 are out. This survey was meant for Sankalp Volunteers. They were given a set of 19 different processes to evaluate. For each of those processes they had to say
- whether they were aware of that process
- how much importance did they give to the process
- how important did they think the project was for the organization
- whether they will like to see the process continue.
The responses were then accumulated and a whole lot of excel tips and tricks were used to process the sea of data into direct conclusive facts.
- We are good at core processes.
- We don’t care much about fringe processes(there are things that are not related to work output and improvement).
- We have wide difference across teams and groups – this needs to change for the better.
This survey has been able to help us fix the strategy for improvement that will be implemented over the next few months. The comprehensive report of the survey is attached for you to see.
The targets that we have are high. The road difficult. We must remain in the best of shape to face the challenges and difficulties that wait for us. This was one of the benchmarks that we use to ensure that we are prepared for the time to come.