Silently the magic unfolds and we behold gaping wide

Submitted by rajat on

Silently the magic unfolds and we behold gaping wide. We the recipients of this great honour, the blessed ones to have got this coveted opportunity, we the volunteers of Sankalp.

We work! All we do is work and work more in an attempt to make things happen the way we like to see them. Since the very beginning we have believed only in blood, sweat and tears. So, does that matter at all? Do we waste ourselves with just work and the absence of an internal effort for the other big things like money, contacts, influence and aggressive publicity?

Oh no no no. Though we are very young as of now - but life has made sure that we grow firmer on our lesson of - power of selfless work. Time and again the doors have opened for us. Not too fast - not too slow - just when we were ready for them. The good thing about the very slow speed at which we progress is that we always get a little more than what we are ready to use. Thereby maintaining aspirational goals as well as keeping the side affects of mad race out of the way.

Just like your favourite video game, just like athletics, we are getting through one stage and entering the next. Warm up is over. Initial qualifiers are over. Now we are in action. The group of young men and women who thought that it is they who can get things on order are poised to implement the next their thoughts.

The big question is -"Are these people ready?" It was easy to imagine the daemon being killed in the comics that we read in childhood. The Movies that we loved also showed that the hero has it in him to get things in order. Here we are - common men and women - the kid of people you will fail to notice when we are around. We have been given the chance and the roadmap to get things in order. The world has invited us to get things working. Now - it is something like being the policy makers who have a chance to put things in order. Will we - make use of this opportunity and get the things done! Will we prove worthy sons and daughters of our motherland? Will we pay the price that we will have to pay to get things going the way we like?

If you are a Sankalp Volunteer - boss here is the challenge? Bol kitna hai dum?? If you are a Sankalp well-wisher - Watch us as we get things going. Wherever you feel we are not aligned with what we say - please help us by reminding us. Be there! We need you. For others, read and forget. You will be reminded of this post sooner or later. I hope the reminder is for good!