After about 26 blood donation drives that we have organized so far and the one mega event - ",Blood Bank Meet", we had strong reasons to pen down the procedure to be followed in every blood donation drive and take a promise from the blood banks to follow it. Thus came the Sankalp Policy for Blood Donation Drives.
To make this policy extensive research was done. Inputs were taken from teh National Drugs and Cosmetics Act ( I know you are wondering what does Drigs and Cosmetics Act have to do with blood donation ; unfortunately blood is categorised under drugs in our nation ) and the guidelines issued by the National Aids control Organization. The non-medical inputs came in from the Sankalp Senior Volunteers to align the blood drives with the quality assurance and promises we make to the organizations where we conduct the blood drive.
The policy was given to be reviewed to the senior and reputed transfusion specialists from the town. Once we had a go ahead from them saying that the policy was indeed a good step forward and it contained nothing but the essential requirements for blood donation drives - we froze it and made it mandatory for all blood banks to which we give a blood drive to sign it and abide by it.
This week 5 blood will be signing the policy making the ITPL Blood Donation Drive the first Sankalp Drive to be compliant under the policy. Cheers!
We hope to see safer and more comfortable blood donation drives in the time to come.