23rd March 1931, the day Revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev sacrificed their lives for the cause of India, their motherland and her Independence from the British Rule. Sankalp India Foundation, an organization formed by young students and professionals had organized a candle light vigil to commemorate the supreme sacrifice of the martyrs.
When those young revolutionaries gave away their lives without a second thought, they believed that their sacrifice will inspire more young men to happy give everything for the cause of freedom. They believed that once political freedom was achieved the power to decide the fate of the country will be in the hands of our generations to come and that the youth with stand up and work towards strengthening their nation. The revolutionaries believed that we the youth will make use of the opportunities that come with independence to shape us as the Nation we dream of.
Unfortunately, they are being forgotten, their sacrifice is being forgotten and so are those dreams being forgotten which they paid so dearly for. We the Volunteers of Sankalp celebrate the Supreme Sacrifice of the Martyrs on 23rd March to remind ourselves of the responsibility that we bear. On this day as we pay our tributes to those young men, we commit to ourselves and our motherland dedicated effort to work towards improvement and solution instead of playing a blame game, instead of refusing to own the responsibility and instead of aimlessly cribbing about issues.
50 young people got together and spent the evening thinking about the martyrs, singing their songs, echoing the sky with the cries celebrating the martyrs and saluting their sacrifice. Thinking about the sacrifices that the young men made way back in 1931 these young men and women vowed to prove worthy of the independence that came after such immense sacrifice.
The programme served as a platform to highlight the ideas of the revolutionaries and bring the youth of today face to face with the sacrifices and the dreams. This is to help rekindle the sleeping conscience and will inspire many of them to work towards positive changes for the greater good in whatever capacity and whatever fields they choose for themselves.
This day is a reminder to us that freedom should not be taken for granted and it is an occasion when we recommit ourselves to take up the responsibility that we owe our motherland. Thinking of the martyrs and singing their songs and shouting out slogans (which as one of the volunteer aptly said, “was necessary to lit up the existing fire within me and make it burn more brightly”) gave us the necessary wakeup call that each one of us needed.
We took oaths. Oaths which will help build our motherland, which are as simple as getting ourselves registered as voters and wisely choose the leaders for this great country, to serve our motherland and to make an active effort in her appraisal, to stop complaining and to start working. With hopes burning higher as the candles burnt and melted, we ended the evening and the programme by singing more patriotic songs and the National Anthem.
“Shaheedon Ki Mazaaron Par lagenge Har Baras mele!
Watan Pe Mitne Walon ka Yahee Baki Nishaan Hoga”
The Programme:
Candle Light Vigil
Date: 22nd March, 2009
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Venue: M G Road, in front of Mahatma Gandhi statue (opposite to Jewel de Paragon)
Shaheed Diwas is to remember the martyrs and their actions. It was good to take time off and remember to clean our own homes. Nowadays people dont come forward for the cause of the nation. If there is a war, unlike before where all the family memebers would be ready to fight, now if one person is ready, the others discourage him. But this should not be the case, we should all remember our duties and do them.
- Manjunath
The programme was good. Now the fire inside seems to have lit up brighter.
- Deep
It was great!
- Ankit Jain
It was good. It was the first time for me. Liked it a lot. But we should have sung more songs, like aye mere pyare watan.
- Pratima
It was my first oppurtunity. Feeling great!!
- Soumya.
Super! I shouted very loud..
- Lakshmi and Supriya
It was awesome, and nice feeling..
- Maya
It was good, motivating, energising and for a good cause..
- Group of 1st year volunteers
Nice motivation.
- Nitin
It was good. There was better public participation than previous time.
- Rakesh
The previous Shaheed Diwas was better in terms of documentation of the people who participated. This time only that was absent, but the programme was better.
- Geetesh
It was energetic, power packed and a great event. I'm happy for the young volunteers' participation this time.
- Lalith
A superb experience that can energise anyone from inside to work for nation.
- Naik Ashwin Vishwanath
I felt very nice today. Actually from small I wanted to do something for the nation and I am on right way "Sankalp". Today it was like the day I was waiting for. I am feeling very happy...
- Prashanth M Mulge
The hour I spent remembering all these great Gods was amazing. I felt, I realised that its our duty to celebrate this day. I am really glad to be here.
Jai Hind
- Naveen
For mee, from past 5 years, I was very desparate to do same type of job or to join this type of organisation. After seeing the movie "RAng De Basanthi" and "Legend of Bhagat Singh" I got a strong desire to toil for the nation and for its destiny. I am thankful to God, that he fulfilled my need and showed "Sankalp". Today I got the first real feeling of Shaheed Diwas.
Mera Bharat Mahan
- Anil Raj
Today the program was fine. No one is born without a cause! So we all need to know it and work for the betterment of all of us. After all life is not to be lived alone but shared with all..So lets live for all
- Kulbhushan K S