An appeal to donate blood - The Hindu

Bangalore needs more than two lakh units of blood every year. However, only about 70 per cent of this requirement is fulfilled. There now is a fair amount of awareness about blood donation in society. Despite advancement in science and technology, there is still no means to “manufacture” blood.

Voluntary blood donation has, therefore, become the easiest and most effective means to collect blood. College students, who constitute a sizeable chunk of blood donors, are either busy with their exams or go on holidays during the summer months from February to July. This causes the “Summer Blood Shortage,” a period during which blood banks are almost helpless as donors are hard to come by.

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Sankalp Unit

Submitted by rajat on Tue, 07-Jul-2009 - 16:21


As a response to this article I got calls from 5 people. 4 of them wanted to donate blood and the firth person wanted to organise drive. Jai Ho! (I hope I am not violating the I N Congress Copyright here ;-) )