There are times in life (like the time I have right now), when it gets difficult to see what lies ahead. I really don't know where I am heading. Things are so messed up, so confusing. This is not the first time I am going through this phase. It comes! Sometimes. Specially when the pressure to get things done immediately is not high!
So, the road ahead is not clear and the destination blurred! Classically speaking this is a bad omen! Often you get to hear that the goal should be right there in front of your eyes when you walk to your destination. Sorry! Let me admit. It is not happening.
There are other classical beliefs! "Make hay while it shines". "Prepare for the Rainy Day". The classical Panchtantra tales that talk about the wise man who is planned and the fool who is directionless. Hmm!. All these are like small small daggers that keep poking me. Asking me - "Mr. Are you planning? Are you all set?". And I, sheepishly answer back -"I don't know!"
While the classical theories scare there are other set of beliefs, which I call person, but in fact which are culmination of the ideas that I picked up from here and there while on the journey of last 26 years. That belief says that you will make it. They tell me that I just may die the way I like. That on my death I would like to be reborn the same me :). These senseless beliefs come from the fact that I do have my likes and dislikes. People who have preferences - real strong ones - have a scope to bending the rules to match their preferances. I am hoping the same will happen with me. I hope one fine day I will wake up to realize that the goal is right there. Crystal clear :)
With these contradictory philosophies residing in my head, I need to go on. The principle for the day is - "Keep Going". Change requires movement + direction. At least assure that the movement does not change to static while you resolve the direction.
Makes sense?
Let's put it the straight forward way:
"When in life you get confused and worried, try to give lesser importance to the thinking hat for some time, assume a workers profile, and move on!