Interesting question. Some say God is formless , some say that Good looks like us. There are some who say that everyone is God and everyone has goodness within. There is a concept of atman(similar to concept of soul) which is formless, which is all perfect, which cannot be destroyed, killed etc.
I am trying to conceptualize God as a form. How ridiculous this may look and as we have heard several times that God is beyong human mind perception. But again its our very own perception and rational thinking that has given the concept of the existence one supreme being called GOD.
I am asking for conceptualizing one aspect of the being which is all powerful, omnipresent being. That is how he(Sorry the being may be genderless as well :-) ) looks like. One of the major problem I see is that people do not question religion. By far, religions are man made. They are basically guidelines of living in a civilized society – One should pray often, fear God and also love God, being a good samaritan, doing good to others, showing empathy to the less privileged. Yes- all these are present in all the religions I have known.
But we do see people so much biased towards their religion. People say that their religion is supreme, their God is the only God that ever existed. The natural question – Who are they to define what God looks like? Is there anyone existing in this world who says that he/she has seen God and has the authority to say yes- this is the form in which he exists.
Religion like advertisement become a habit after hearing and seeing again and again. It is so difficult to relieve onself one's habit. And then people start believing that their habit is the truth – otherwise how difficult it is to come out of one's habit. Being able to throw everything that one practised since early childhood.
The only point is that – People blindly follow what is preached and religion which is put as one of the non questionable authority can be very much misleading. Ample examples can be given in the amount of war that has taken all over the world just to prove a religion's authority over another.
Lets come back to the topic. This is an attempt to visualize the supreme.
This time I will take the aspect of God is formless and the concept of Atman. As put – Atman is like energy, it cannot be created, nor destroyed. It is said to be beyond time hence there is no question of a time it was created or a time it will be destroyed. There is also a concept of an atman present in everyone and the Supersoul where all the soul merge after they come out of the cycle of life and birth. This phase is known as salvation, Moksha, Nirvana etc.
Lets put an assumption : If a person is all perfect, there is no need to change. So God doesnt reuire to change, considering he is the all perfect being. He is beyond time hence time is constant in his domain. Think about a world so static, there is no time involved hence there is no movement. It remains the same altogether. It existed the same before and will be the same . There is no time involved to define till when. Its like perfect peace.. another way to look at it.
I would like to make a comparison. The universe started with the big bang(This is what modern scientists believe and few religions I know oppose). Inside the universe, we see change – The planets that revolve around the sun, phenomena of glowing of the stars, life on Earth. Lets consider the universe in totality. The universe is the same that existed before the big bang and has remained the same now as well. The universe is constant – in the sense that its contents(energy) has not changed. There are lot of things happening inside but as a whole it remains the same. And we do not know because no one is capable of comprehending how big is the universe and if anything else exists altogether. The universe is all pervading, exists everywhere, seemingly perfect laws exists which through which suns rise , starts shine and all the natural phenomena happen.
Now someone may argue God exists in the form of universe. He has a form ultimately. The natural question is that- How does the universe look in totality. Does it look all dark or it looks as a bright light?
Think about a universe who is capable of controlling every single thing that happens inside but still is not affected by the change that happens over the things it controls. The universe loves everyone inside because everything inside is but a part of the universe itself and anything that changes or disobeys its natural laws receives the consequences as the natural cause of law.
Whatever I have discussed above is just a figment of my imagination coming from trying to understand something that provides a lot of scope for learning.
I have discussed the cause of atman- but didnt specify its role in visualizing the supreme, There are other imaginations in this aspect that I would be looking forward to share. Keep looking for the new post :)