I really liked the idea of making voting compulsory for residents of Gujarat recent elections to a local self-governing body. It indeed is one of the bravest moves taken by a state government in a long long time. Even states Himanchal Pradesh are willing it implement it. But a few questions will be asked like voting is a right and not a duty. Compulsory voting is against Article 14 & 19 of the Indian Constitution. One good thing about the bill is that it allows negative voting if the voter does not wish to vote for any of the listed contestants. This is a great way of protest if the voter is not for any of the contestants. Well… I think for a move like this, even the constitution can be amended.
Democracy has always been known to run on four wheels- choice, legitimacy, equality & participation. Compulsory voting is the only way to counter voting apathy and declining legitimacy in our country. Its a matter of shame that voter turnout amongst the poor has been usually much higher, than amongst the privileged. Compulsory voting is indeed a brave and good decision.
Now the question is how will it all be implemented? Like forcible vasectomies in the name of family planning or like submission of Income Tax with proper infrastructure in place. Well... We can only hope for the best.