He was in the third year on engineering. An idealist and an expressive person. The two virtues that seem to sound good for a person were about to bring some disturbance in his life.
The hostel was an old one. The construction was such that the strongest of earthquake could not have moved a brick. After all, there were more pillars than walls. Yet the floor was bad, the walls lacked plaster at places and the overall finish - never happened! In such settings, the place to rest the back during a casual talk was the 3-4 feet high uncompleted walls. HE and his friend were standing one evening and talking away to glory.
Hostel is a larger version of a joint Hindu family. People are jealous, people hate each other, people would like to see each other ripped apart in some blast and yet, when they meet, they are so sweet that anyone can mistake them for buddies.
So, there these two guys were talking about something when Mr. Sab came strolling past. Mr. Sab had a bucket in his hands full of water and a towel loosely resting on his waist, which was even in those days, more like an IT professionals. Mr. Sab greeted warmly and enquired in the typical hostel poke-your-nose tone what the subject of discussion was. A conversation became inevitable. So a little word about that guy and some words about this guy until, HE chose to ask Sab why he was carrying a bucket full of water from the bathroom to his room. Sab explained that HE preferred bathing in the evenings and since hot water was not available on this floor so HE chose to use an immersion rod to heat water in his room.
The discussion could have ended with an exchange of a casual smile. BUT HE chooses to go on not knowing the possible outcome. If men thought about the possible outcome before opening their mouths, there would have been much more peace on earth. HE enquired why Mr. Sab should not go downstairs and make use of the water heated in the boilers. It would save time and of course electricity. That was it! The artificial smile gave way to the inner emotions. How could someone tell Mr. Sab what was right and what was wrong? Mr. Sab started yelling on top of his voice using as derogatory and as defamatory statements as HE could use in the current situation. Violent streak was on his face. What does HE think of himself? How dare HE lecture? Why does HE not keep his gyan with Himself? How dare HE?
Thankfully the situation did not explode because of the presence of the friend. All this while HE was smiling mockingly adding further fuel to the situation. The frustrated Mr. Sab left the place angrily.
Mr. Sab and HE never spoke again. Never ever again did they see each other eye to eye.
Reflecting, why should HE not have just kept shut with his opinion to himself? Why was it important to give an unrequested advice? HE learnt a lesson that day. Give advice when it is asked or else all your credibility and all your eligibility to speak may be questioned.
Living in hostel is interesting. It gave HIM a chance to learn who to speak to when and how much. It gave Mr. Sab a chance to know that hot water was available in the bathrooms on the ground floor. It gave you an opportunity to read something absurd and crazy!