Pakistan is burning. Perhaps democracy is at test and so also the dynastic rule that started after the martyrdom of Benazir. Can Pakistan be saved? The nightmarish scenario for the world is a nuclear-armed Pakistan going the Afghanistan way and ending up as a dangerously splintered and Talibanised nation.
Unfortunately, many Indians wish the doom for Pakistan. I pity those uninformed people. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh can only be divided by political lines, but geographicaly, we are made as one! The rivers will continue to flow, neither can the winds be stopped to cross these man made borders. It is the geographical divide, with Himalayas in the north, Hindukush in west and the oceans else where, that bind us together. We have rains in the same season, we grow similar crops and so, we have festivals together- religion hardly matters here. The subcontinent will crumble if Pakistan falls. Perhaps Chanakya was the first one to realize that the entire subcontinent shares similar problems, and the only way out of them is mutual cooperation.
A stable and strong democratic Pakistan will be a boon for India! I wish Pakistan, its government and its army, stop fighting with India through backdoor. Collectively, the subcontinent can become a super power sooner and be the envy of all the nations. And only this super power, because of its great cultural and civilizational traditions, as well as ageold built-in democratic diversity, can save the world from self destruction. Let us and do everything to save Pakistan.
P.S- I wrote this after the Sankalp meeting on Republic day.