There are 2 types of people. The first kind of people take things as they come without much if's and but's. Whether they are okay with it or not, they do what life demands from them. They are the people who may want to do so many things but who may not be able to do much about what they want. And ten there are the other kind. The people who constantly try and find ways to do the things they want to do. These are the people who wont accept what life gives to them unless the giving in line with what they want from life. Our volunteers are the second kind of people.
For a person to be able to follow the path of their dreams, there are some things to be aware of. Nothing comes for free. If life allows you to live at your own terms then surely it will do things to make sure that you deserve this. It will surely test you. And when these tests come in, they come in most surprising packages.
The deal is that life creates conditions such that they tend to overwhelm you. There is a feeling of pressure so intense that you find it unbearably tough to go on. The irony is that the only way to pass this test is to do the seemingly most difficult thing - Go On! No matter what, if you make sure that you continue to walk, it's not just that moment, that period over which you will emerge victorious, you will also gain the strength to walk an extra mile for the tests in future.
Every time you tell life that it can't do enough to deviate you from the path you have chosen, a bit inside you becomes stronger. Every time you let go, something becomes weaker.
People have been tested. Beliefs have been tested. Things have been bent and broken. The rule book, as I have seen, does not count speed as high as persistence.
You can live life your way. Just don't forget to Hold On!