The Right to Information (RTI) Act, that empowers Indians to obtain any information about government functioning, is slowly shaping up to be 'reactive' in nature. People looking for information have to ask questions, and wait for answers. This model has failed several times (wiki answers, yahoo answers). Making information 'proactively' available (like wikipedia) to people is the only way I can see this idea get implemented.
The next question that arises is the level of confidentiality required in government functioning. It is the state's responsibility to define lines that differentiate public and private information. Any violation here should be well accounted for.
The final question lies in its implementation. I can see two ways. In the first way, the government has to open up its software development agencies, thereby letting complete participation, transparency and collaboration from others- working more like an open source 'bazaar' development model. The second way is a code for america like model, which can operate privately, and be supported by organizations interested in government transparency and delivery. The engineers of India must understand that they are the greatest stakeholders of the act, or we'll end up witnessing another idea in Indian democracy that made it to the headlines but never took off.