Our school had its science block on top of a hillock. We used to walk up to the computer labs with our wonderful inspiring teacher Mr. Tindale. One afternoon, Mr. Tindale was talking about his work as a headmaster. We were talking about the ways to get the work done by people. In that conversation he cited this quote:
You can do anything in the world
If you dont look for credit
These words mesmerized me instantaneously. They have been extremely important at many times in my life. The beauty of the thought is too great for me to be put in words.
When there are times that I get seriously dissatisfied with life-primarily due to work outputs and corresponding effort input, I suddenly am reminded of these words. Instantaneous smile appears on my face.
Its like a reminder of the true inner target. Once that realization is back, I am recharged to move mountains.
Its introspective and strong.
Out of the many things I do i my daily living, there are some, for which I put i a very deep down strong effort. But sadly, those are the things which at the end of the day, the stakeholders fail to recognize and appreciate. Its disappointing, especially if the purpose of that attempt was well met. Cumulating over a period of time, it makes me a ready volcano waiting to erupt. But essentially I am not this way. Its one small negative emotion that makes its way into me mind. As I wrote earlier, the plans work, the targets are met, and the job is done. All that I had aspired for is achieved except the little feedback.
And that truly is not prime requirement. Its not a necessity.
At the end of the day, after reading this quote I feel so much better with the negative emotions killed and the positive ones energized.
And my life continues better and stronger...
When there are times that I get seriously dissatisfied with life-primarily due to work outputs and corresponding effort input, I suddenly am reminded of these words. Instantaneous smile appears on my face.
Its like a reminder of the true inner target. Once that realization is back, I am recharged to move mountains.
Its introspective and strong.
Out of the many things I do i my daily living, there are some, for which I put i a very deep down strong effort. But sadly, those are the things which at the end of the day, the stakeholders fail to recognize and appreciate. Its disappointing, especially if the purpose of that attempt was well met. Cumulating over a period of time, it makes me a ready volcano waiting to erupt. But essentially I am not this way. Its one small negative emotion that makes its way into me mind. As I wrote earlier, the plans work, the targets are met, and the job is done. All that I had aspired for is achieved except the little feedback.
And that truly is not prime requirement. Its not a necessity.
At the end of the day, after reading this quote I feel so much better with the negative emotions killed and the positive ones energized.
And my life continues better and stronger...
Read This
Itll Make you se things in a different light
Easy said then done
Its very easy to listen to this quotes and appreciate but its equally tough to follow...I very very difficult to keep working without any output and appreciation..But its that truth which we have to accept..We dont have other option..
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