Fresh Blood Marches into Sankalp

Sankalp India Foundation is a voluntary youth organisation. Yes, a youth organisation. The eledest in the team are just 27 :). The youngest ones are 18. The organisation's biggest strength has been the strong and committed worforce. Every year new energy is pumped into the organisation with the coming in of new volunteers. These volunteers are fresh into their professional courses and are full of ideas and lots of energy. Sankalp goes on to get new volunteers who are interested in doing something for their country in their own small way. This is the annual volunteer recruitment programme. Like every year there was a huge rush with lots and lots of students coming in with an intention to volunteer for Sankalp. Steadily as time goes by only a few remain. There are many students who wish to do a lot more than their normal academics, and the ones who are interested in the idelogoies of the organisation stick on and become core members of the organisation's working wings. These new volunteeers not only fulfill their own dreams in some way, they enthuse the slightly older volunteers to go and embrace the challenge with open hands. These few who stick on are the ones for whom the entire exercise will be carried out.

This year, about 61 students expressed desire to join gthe organisation. The recruitement/orientation programme was held on the 5th of october 2010. An orientation programme was held, where a senior volunteer of Sankalp discussed with them at length on the ideologies and the reasons for the existence of Sankalp India Foundation. Many students had a variety of questions. All of them were answered and clarity was given to them. Now it was upto them to decide whether they wanted to work with the organisation. Over the next few weeks more meethings were held. Clarity reigned supreme as the students who found interest asked more and learnt more. The core working wings of Sankalp, i.e. the Emergency Wing, Disha and Rakta Kranti was introduced to them in the next 2 meetings. The working of these wings was explained to them. Concepts related to blood, emergency blood requests, the Sankalp stadewide helpline 9480044444 and blood donation camps were being spoken about in a way that they understand. Slowly the students realised what Sankalp India Foundation is all about. To get a hang of things, short problems were given to them. The young students were asked to brainstorm and find practical working solutions to such problems. In the next meeting Sankalp's disater wing was introduced to them. Ideologies related to why does the organisation work for disasters, short details about previous disaster work carried out were all explained. Some volunteers who had been affected by floods and earthquakes shared their expereince.

There are a little more than 30 new volunteers who are now left with an interest to join in. As time goes by and they get involved in the work of the organisation, their own insticnts will guide them to either cement their place in the organisation or move on if it does not match their style and way of things. However, the exiting 30 volunteers of Sankalp India Foundation welcome all of them in. The message to these new young volunteers is simple: Join in. Togethter let's give life a better chance.