Teach your child.. the true lessons of life

Submitted by pravachak on

A friend of mine was looking for a nice school for his kid. I did not but I wanted to request him to the following:

Tell your child the stories of this soil..

Take him to temples of India

Take him to Jallianwala bagh..

Before he asks, put some soil on his forehead and let him bow into the well. Let him hold the wall which has holes of 303 bullets!

Take your child to India Gate.. But do not forget to show him the Kargil Memorial..

When you take him to the Gateway of India, tell him the tales of those who braved the bullet to upkeep the honour.

When you child comes and asks about NAM and World War II, when he comes to praise the great Moughal Empire, do tell him tales of Khudiram Bose.. Do tell him tales of the war with China.. So tell him of the countless youth which withered away in the torturous chambers of the Cellular jail!

When they tell him about the leaders of the nation, show him the image of Lal Bahadur Shastri, of Sardar Patel, of Subhash Chandra Bose.. Show him that leadership is not all about acquiring posts.. it is about doing what is right and setting the right examples.

When you tell your child to excel... When you teach him to fight out the world.. Teach him to fight for people.  Not against people..

When you child holds the Nandini Milk packet.. Do tell him about the white revolution.. 

When he picks up an Eveready battery, do tell him that 'Give me Red' probably refers to the blood of the Bhopal victims.. 

While your child dreams about NASA, do not forget to expose him to ISRO..

Teach him that holding onto the trees can actually save them.

When your child asks you about IIMs, talk beyond the salary and the CAT. Talk, if you can, about the reason why Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai started the IIMs.

Teach your child that bargaining to save a rupee at a street side vendor's stall may not make so much sense especially when he pays the fat bills at the malls with a smile and with no questions asked.

When he looks at someone from the North East, teach him to see a brother/sister in them..

Let him not see the colour and choose the Gods. Teach him to bow at all places of worship..

Teach your child that the only barriers are those in the mind.. There is no language, no caste, no creed which changes the colour of blood!

While you give your child countless toys and accessories, do not forget to go on long walks with him.

While you watch cartoon films with him, do not forget to gently expose him to the reality of life.

They teach subjects in class.. not life lessons.. he is yours.. your own blood.. Teach him life..

In your child, I have my honour.. my pride.. my hope.. In your child I have the reflection of a 10000 year old civilisation.. In your child I have the future of my nation.. Give me a comrade.. Give me a brother.. 

You as a parent are not meant to make your child happy alone.. You are meant to make him someone who will be the cause of happiness and joy not just to himself but to his family, his society and his country.. In tough moments of parenting just take the strength from the joy of following and serving a larger goal!


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 27-Dec-2011 - 21:28


I am at loss of words to describe how beautiful this poem is, how noble thoughts it brings to my mind. I felt humbled reading what I would like to call as lofty ideals. I couldn't help but think of raising my kid in such ideals. I can only say that I will try very hard.