In-life Experience : Language Barrier - What a Confusion ?

Submitted by rajkhandelwal on

As I was going through the newspaper I found that people here in Karnataka are struggling to change name of the city or places they live in, just to join themselves with the lost culture. Will it really work? It reminds me of a cultural barrier that I am struggling here. Actually, I am quiet confused about the fact that should we learn the local language were we stay for relatively long time like 4 years (an engineering life). I am living in Bangalore for the past one and half year, and my friends and colleague insist me to learn Kannada, saying it will help you, but how ?. Initial years in my college, I was quiet adamant that why my kannadiga friends always talk in Kannada, when I am with them, not in English or Hindi if they knew that I don't understood it. It makes me feel ignorant and outcast from their views, it seems as if they don’t want to talk to me....thus the so called gap between Northies and Southies mount up, I just don't know how can be resolve such issues to make everything simpler. In this era of globalisation, if our own people won’t understand the language of interaction that how can we expect any negotiation with other fella countries. I was quiet angry with the fact that people in the namesake of keeping their culture values alive, force the outsider to learn, live and eat the way they do.


Recently when I was in my home town (where I have spent 20 years of my life ) that’s Orissa, I meet up with my old friends, with whom I love to be with. We were talking in Hindi ( my holy mother tongue), Suddenly one up my Oriya friend interrupted and arrogantly blasted off saying “ Why the hell are we talking in Hindi, guys we are in our hometown, bloody talk in Oriya or have you forgotten it”.

OMG !! What a language barrier conflict, which is cause by our 2 % usage of working mind. Damn it! I don’t understand how we can resolve it. When can I say India is united in all sense and we don’t distinguish people on what they speak but for their inner heart, cultural values.

Confused or can we ………………………………………… !!!!