Reservations:What do we do?

Submitted by rajat on

Reservation issue, Meerut fire, Narmada Bachao Aandolan, any other issue for that matter.. Every time we come across a hot issue related to our society where we see some darker shades in the happenings, we always think about what can be done. This thought manifests itself in two dimensions: 1> the first one is the more popular and well known. I choose to call it Blame Transfer Cycle. This is essentially a process of deciding for yourself what the others should have done what now they should do and finally what should they do for future. Please go through the newspaper of the day and you will observe that the editorial has letters from readers who are greatly contributing to this massive Blame Transfer Cycle. This dimension benefits from the several pass-time discussions we have in various parts of the cities. In these places you can easily look forward to transfer the blame on someone else and see people around you doing the same. 2> the other approach is very different. It does not constitute popular discussions and talks. It requires a person to be slightly more introvert. It requires you to consider what actually the cause is and what can be done to have a long term impact. No more side talk. Its about you. Please consider how many times in your lives have you asked someone else to change and the person has done so. If you feel something then the first person who should actually start working towards the satisfaction of your feeling is nothing but taking responsibility and starting work yourself. It looks too philosophical at first. But please be patient. Let me explain why I consider it as the only approach. Lets say I am talking about the fire related issues in Meerut and considering what can be done. This approach asks you to see the problem not the event. The problem here is not 50 deaths in Meerut. The problem actually is lack o appropriate fire safety measures. And if we have the problem right in front of us the combat is easier. Now you say, what is better, to think about the fire in Meerut and its stakeholders and its blame transfer cycle or to see what can I do myself as a person to solve this problem. This approach is highly enlightening. It simply shows me that I must at times go to palace ground and other places of congregation and if I find the fire safety issues compromised, I must report them and try to highlight them. This approach does not have the momentary adrenaline. It has long term convictions. I can go on but its better to do it the question and answer way. I am waiting for your response. As for reservation: This is how I see it. Politicians use this issue just for a simple reason. They get votes out of it. Who votes? Its us. Major fraction of Indian populations gives their nod to it . Thats why it will lead to election victories. So, if I somehow protest and fight and do other such things for the time being I might find success but it is there only till the other part of the population does not take to streets. So, at the end of the day, as I see it, these problems will be solved only by a social change. The definition starts at people's change. Any other change is temporary. So do we have the problem identified? Is the problem actually the nature of our countrymen to look at person gains above the national and larger gains? Does it have a smell of social responsibility? If yes, then why should I not take the long, difficult and not so exciting route to a larger and a stable change? Why should I not start working towards making myself socially responsible and by that encourage the others to do the same. The Supreme Martyr Shaheed Bhagat Singh saw this approach. He did not see revolution as people taking to guns and arms. (You can read his speeches on our site). He was talking about an era in which people of this land stop looking for some sort of Messiah to come to solve their problems. He looked towards people making themselves answerable to the social problems. I have very strong affiliations to this philosophy. It talks about a larger prospective and more difficult and selfless work. This is what I consider the solution. I look towards Self empowerment with promotion of National feelings. If this happens, all other small problems will vanish the way dew vanishes when the first rays of sun fall on leaves.