Technology Revolutions To Give Life A Better Chance!

TechnologyTechnology has become an integral part of life in today’s world. Organisations world over use technology to aid their processes and hence become more effective and sustainable. At Sankalp too, there is a genuine eye and concern towards using the right kind of technology to Give Life A Better Chance - Here are 2 instances where use of Information Technology has significantly upgraded work processes for the better.


Technology Enabled Blood Helpline

Disha - A blood sDisha Information Centerearch helpline in Karnataka. Currently connected to 58+ blood banks across Karnataka, the helpline gets blood stock information from these blood banks by calling them on a daily basis. Any person requiring blood needs to call only  the helpline and the needy is guided to closest blood bank where he/she could find blood. 

Earlier blood stocks data was managed by manual entering stocks and blood requests data in an excel sheet. The issue comes in managing the various sheets of data as well as coming up with a consolidated report for helpline calls and stocks analysis.

This gave birth to creating a software platform for maintaining stock data, keep track of blood requests as well as provide instant reports at any given time. Over the next few weeks the Sankalp Tech Team involved in a flurry of activity in conceiving, designing and testing the platform. The emphasis was to make blood stock taking as simple as it is to entering in the excel sheet, making blood availability search simpler .. in short giving it the wow factor to make it get accepted for its simplicity in design, usability and power.

Hence, today we have a new power packed platform for maintaining Disha related information.

From visual display for blood stock status in various blood banks, reminder mails to volunteers if any blood bank has not been called that day for stocks, reports per  district, per blood bank, per blood group, per component at any instant... the power and insight useful information can give is immense. The future of the platform is to provide statitical analysis in terms of graphs and trends for planning blood donation camps, predict blood shortage and availability periods in the city. Most importantly, help us conduct well informed and strategic blood donation camps in time of disaster

We are looking forward to a day when blood banks would use this platform to enter their blood stock data themselves, the platform would be used for sharing available blood stocks and trends for public so that each individual can access the platform and know where blood is available in time of need.

Donor Management System

Donor Management SystemIt has been a dream of Blood Donor Systems across the world to effectively manage and retain their blood donors. Sankalp has an emergency list of blood donors filtered through stringent criteria into a list of selfless individuals who are ready to donate at any odd hour when need arises. Having such high value donors puts pressure on the organization to effectively manage and retain them. Similar to Disha helpline site, the list had been maintained in a excel sheet and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain them as the size of donors kept increasing.

This led to the design of Donor Management System. This new platform boasts of having state of the art technology for determining the blood donor closest to a hospital where the blood need is. The system is capable of filtering out blood donors who recently donated and provide the best possible donor to call based on intelligent logic.

Huge set of donors can be imported into the plaform from an excel sheet in just few clicks. The system allows the organization to maintain a personal with the donors by sending regular mails to the blood donor when he/she becomes eligible to donate again, birthday wishes and important announcements from Sankalp Emergeny Team to the donors when needed. Apart, the system is capable of providing instant reports and statistical trends any any given time.


We are looking forward into building a platform where donors can interact in an environment similar to many social networking platforms. Building of a social platform where all donors across the country can participate and voice their concern, provide them current blood stock trends in the state/country, informing them about latest development in blood science. In short, build a platform where we can nurture the blood donors of tomorrow.