A dream enters its 10th year

Submitted by aurora on


On 23rd ,May 2003 when the pledge was taken never to let anyone die because of shortage of blood- Sankalp was born. 9 years have passed since that summer night. Sankalp have stood the test of time. 'With patience, persistence and commitment the organisation has ensured that the vision of the volunteers is delivered as rear work to the society.

A few months back when the Sankalp volunteers realised that we were about to enter our 10th year of service, the enthusiasm was high to see how we can celebrate and make the 10th year memorable. In the next few meetings however, the mood changed. The volunteers refused to spend time and energy to celebrate anything. Truth be told, the people who work with the real problems day and night, know that there is little to be celebrated.

There is no doubt that the organisation has come a long way and the volunteers are proud of the work done so far. But if someone starts looking for people who are still suffering due to shortage of blood in Karnataka, the picture is not very bright. Taking emergency blood requests on the help line and working with systems which paint the true picture the volunteers are well aware of the difficulties faced by a common man when it comes to blood. So, we found a little to celebrate and still little reason to spend our time doing anything other than doing more of what we do.

Thus, almost unanimously, we decided that the 10th year with be celebrated by pushing ourselves to our limit to ensure that our primary goal is met - let no one suffer due to shortage of blood. And you, the reader, are whole heartedly invited to the party. Join us and we push the barriers that prevent us from doing enough to ensure that everybody gets blood as easily as they get a bottle of glucose. Gear up and jump in. The problem is large enough to accommodate the hard work - the blood sweat and tears that all of us may choose to offer. The dream that has entered it's 10th year is to be celebrated by living it.

The blood banks, the volunteers, the donors, the well wishers, the family members - all of us have stood together and passed the test of times. We have grown ourselves from a student group to a youth movement. We have come a long way from 50 donations a year to nearly 8000 donations last year. Let the 10th year be the reminder of the fact that if we so decide we can achieve any goal - let it make us stronger, better and more effective. Let us all celebrate the 10th year of Sankalp by 'Giving Life A Chance Better Than Ever Before'.