
Submitted by Venu on

Ours was a residential school. I was in my 11th std. I was a vice captain of the school. One day our principal made a rule that whoever comes late for the dining hall will not be given food and will be sent back. Few days latter I did the same when few students came late for the lunch. I sent them back.They were not given lunch. Next day I reported the same to the principal. He smiled and said " don't take it literally, It was said so to make students more conscious". Then after I did not repeat the mistake I did.And even I did not think about it. But today I am thinking about it " If rules are made to be broken, then why are they made". I was honest on my part when I sent the students back with out lunch. But today I feel guilty of not understanding why the rule was made.I was honest but what is the result of being honest. It was suffering on both the end. Like I suffer because of my tough decision and even the victim. Then it is wrong to be honest?.Do anybody agree with me?.If I want to be honest then how I can be honest with out following the rules made?.