"When you dig another out of trouble, you find a place to bury your own."
Thats why ppl want to stay out. But the one in trouble keep demanding
Help if you can
It does not mean that you dont help others. But do so only when you are strong enough. Make sure you are out of trouble.
Meaning of Quote
I think that this quote was intended to mean that there are many people with troubles greater than yours. When you help them, you forget your own or "bury them" because they appear trivial next to what someone else is going through.
My understanding...
As per my interpretation this quote means that when you try and help others in their problem you learn from it and this experience helps through out your life to find solution to your own problems.
This quote says the when you pull out (dig out) someone from a trouble, that same ditch can be used by you to bury your own troubles. Here "bury your own" doesn't mean bury yourself but bury your problems or troubles.