Hesitation - It is an unknown, indefinable resistance, which do not let us to be open to others. Many times even if we know what we are suppose to speak and have full confidence in our thoughts, we don’t let it come out because we are hesitant in speaking in crowd, group or in front of some particular individual. And then when someone else comes up with same idea as ours, we realize that we could have spoken. It is not just about conveying ideas but also our feelings. Sometimes just because we are hesitant in telling what we actually feel, we land up in an undesirable situation.
Inferiority feeling - A feeling which we get when we compare ourselves with someone we consider to be much more superior to us which actually may not be true. It is general human tendency to compare them to people around and judge them on that basis. This feeling may be due to the lack of technical knowledge, lack of fluency in a language which is considered to be superior by all, lack of understanding of your own potential, past failure experiences etc etc. Once this feeling gets into an individual it wont let that persons express freely except when in a very comfortable and intimate environment.
Language- Thoughts are to be put up in proper and sequential manner in a language we are most comfortable with. Many people have communication problem because of the lack of verbal ability be it in any language. This inhibits the person from being able to speak his/her heart out. Second reason is English, which is considered as one language without which we cannot progress in this country though the national language is Hindi. People coming from villages or small town or non-English medium schools cannot speak out in English but same thing they can very comfortably express in their own mother tongue.
Knowledge- knowledge about our field boosts our confidence and if it is lacking we wont be able to express our thoughts in front of technical people except if we are really smart enough to fool them. Even if we have good technical know how but lacking confidence in our knowledge leads to the same result.
Fear of failure - “My thoughts are not good enough and it wont be acceptable by others. This will be humiliating for me. So I wont put up my feelings.†This is a general feeling, which many of us get when it comes to express ourselves. We feel we won’t get success and so it is useless to do so. Every time we get such feeling we pull ourselves back and finally a day comes when we are not ready to face any failure and this prohibit us from growing.
Delay- if a thing has to be express now and if its delayed even for sometime, we may not like to share it any more. This may be because conditions may have changed, our mind may have changed. Even if we speak out later it may be a modified version of your thoughts...
This was feel flow of my thought…now its your turn….
Here's one more
I would like to add another reason.
People stop thinking about the present now. They start thinking aboput the next sentance and points. They forget what they are talking now. Also they set boundaries for themselves..and this inhibits free flow of thoughts .. Thats it
Post was good.
You are on the right way
This single post has lots of implications:
Firstly you have expressed your idea very beautifully here. It must have been difficult at first, but if you continue to do this, you will become well trained at it
Secondly you have put a very good issue. If these things are not noticed and talked about then they become big problems
Your choice of posting on blog will encourage lots of others to rectify themselves on this issue
Your barriers of hesitation/ inferiority and fear of failure will slowly crumble by talking about yourself in public.
good thought
first of all i appreciate 4 expressing ur thoughts clearly. the ideas also being pretty original.
hindrance,lack of confidence,inferiority complexness,doubtfulness,...
all sum up to the point that fear is the root cause of lack of confidence in speech. To overcome fear:
-apply urself fully in whatever u do. then there will not be any distinction between you and the work u do.
-fear is overcome by action. All the fears can be overcome by taking some kind of action. Delay or postponement of action only increases fear.
-duality of thought and action also causes hindrance in free flow of speech.
-preparation of mind for speech helps greatly in free flow of thoughts.
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