What's happening???

Submitted by pooja on
why were the 32 innocent villegers in J&K killed by those terrorists? what do they want to convey? Can somebody please tell me I don't understand why people are being MURDERED for no fault of theirs? can't we do anything to put an end to terrorism and protect our own people?


Submitted by rajat on Tue, 02-May-2006 - 21:01


Pooja when I read such items in the news papers or other places, for one moment I start thinking about the difference it makes to us. Do you know more than 30000 people have lost their lives in problems relating to militant in past 25 years? I have been lucky enough to have visited Kashmir valley twice. In these trips I had interaction with both, The Kashmiris of today and the Kashmiri Pandits. What's Happening? It’s this. People on the other side of the border (and some on this side too) do not want any resolution of the Kashmir issue. Actually its not the real fight for independence for anyone. Its a mask which certain people wear in front of their countrymen and the international community to hide the truth. The truth about Kashmir is that today the Government of India is doing a lot for its empowerment. Tourism, negotiations with extremists, Rail building, all of it is happening.. This is threatening the people benefit from terrorism. By killing innocent people they demonstrate the following
  • The hollowness of their so called war for Independence and Jihad
  • The sense of frustration that’s building up in them
  • The fact that they are nothing but cowards who have no value for human life
  • The fact that they think that terrorizing Indians will pull them back from the steps they are taking to build up Kashmir and resolve its problems. Pooja, when I read about common people like you and me being concerned about such issues, I get fuel for the torch of my belief. With such inefficient and corrupt system in the country if we can pose a challenge to them, then if you and I stand up with pure minds and thoughts, we will not have any difficulty in shooing them away. As we pray for the poor souls who faced the wrath of the uncivilized beasts, lets do the same thing again. Change out hatred for them, into a positive feeling. A thirst for an empowered nation, a wish for a land that does not allow this to happen. . And then get back to our work stronger than ever before.
  • Thank you for the explanation Rajat! My hearty cries knowing about the suffurings of our people.It is true that they are the 'greatest cowards' who do not realise how they will live in future by going against INDIANS, because I believe that the day is not far when every INDIAN will stand up against these uncivilised beasts(as you rightly call them)and the corrupt system in our country and relieve our MOTHER from all Her pains. VANDE MATARAM!

    Submitted by preshit on Thu, 04-May-2006 - 10:27


    If people ll be able to understand that what they are doing is wrong,whey they turned into terrorist..