The problems in the current information management system are as follows:
- Press Latency: The print media has at leat one day delay in producing information. By the time information is published, it is of little use to the suffering.
- Unspecific nature of Broadcasts: The Audio/Visual Media publish general information. The availabilty of local information when demanded is missing.
- Negative Competition In Media: The competion in the various A/V channelks today requires them to publish information that is of interest to the general public in remote locations. This undermines the immediate information required by the suffering.(Have you seen news channels guiding people to nearest healthcare centers?)
- Rumors: Each disaster is accompanied by many more problems due to the rumors. The current system in incapable to supress them.
- Lack of Reliable Information Source: Inspite of an array of somewhat informative sources there is no single soyurce which is comprehensive and accurate.(News channels,papers and workers present conflicting news)
- Mobilization Of Resources: There is no specific information on the location and requirements of the people. This leads to over-allocation,under-allocation or no allocation of the resources to different areas.
- Unidirectional Query Addressal: There is no interactivity at the information points. At very rare occasions is a person's query addressed to satisfaction.
- The Search of the Missing/Dead: No single point comprehensive mechanism to search and locate people is used today. Whatever is available is very little(mostly gathered by enthusiastic journalists). Enquiry processing is incompetent.
Sankalp Unit