Ten point oath for enlightened citizenship
1. I will love whatever profession I take up and I will try to excel in it.
2. From now onwards I will teach at least 10 persons to read and write those who cannot read and write.
3. I will plant ten saplings/trees and ensure their growth.
4. I will go to rural and urban areas to reform at least five persons from the habits of addiction and gambling.
5. I will take responsibility for removing the pain of ailing persons.
6. I will participate in the mission of realizing the economic strength of India by combining it with an education with value system and by transforming religion into a spiritual force.
7. I will not support any differentiation on account of community or language.
8 I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and will set an example for others to adopt a transparent way of life.
9 I will always be a friend of the mentally and physically challenged and I will work hard to make them feel normal.
10 I will celebrate the success of my country and my people.
Dr. Kalam's 10 point Oath for Us