Internals- A sweet reminder to all the first semester guys (especially hostelites), that we entered Mathikere Sampige Ramaiah Institute of Technology, to study and get a Bachelor of Engineering degree. With just forty two days after college started, we crimmed a lot about this exam. Forty two days might sound a lot but then so many events taking place at the same time we were just thrilled with the pace our life was moving. From settling down in a new place to facing ragging, from making new friends to exploring the everfamous places of Bangalore, from attending the freshers party to getting to know the teachers in whose classes proxies can easily be managed, from hearing the scolding of the ever so rude warden of our hostel to enjoying the nightwalk from hostel to the hospital (via girl’s hostel), from digesting the mess food to making our birthday kick aim perfect…….. lots and lots of things were happening in our life when dhoom came the realization that we have this big hurdle of internals at the end of every maonth which needs to be cleared. And most importantly this was the first exam of our engineering life so we were really tensed.
We were tensed but even then we kept postponing our scheduled date for starting the preparation for internals. We had this gut feeling that we can manage it but all that gut feeling went down the drains when we actually surveyed the portion we had to study(this was the result of bunking too many classes). Anyhow we managed the first day of the exam. The arrangement for this exam was quite different from the arrangement which we had faced till now before entering college. And that made the intelligent minds(I am being sarcastic) a chance to prove their worth. I guess I won’t have to elaborate on that. We all know the ground reality.
The tougher subjects were reserved for the second day. For the first time in my life I started my preparations at twelve am and sat for the exam at 10 am. I don’t know how I got the audacity to do that and even now I get a shiver down my spine when I think about the situation at that time. The whole night almost all the guys were sipping coffee, getting tensed and studying. It was really a different kind of experience for me.
Anyway the seniors say the interest for the internals goes down as time passes but I hope that doesn’t take place with us. But who knows?
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