On World Blood Donation Day - from Sankalp

Submitted by rajat on

A small group of young men and women dreamt of a day when no one will die because of shortage of blood. Their dream was not just their own. It is the dream that resides in the hearts of a billion Indians .. a dream of a nation free from human injustice. A dream for a society that cares for its people.. a dream of a place where men can live with dignity and high purpose.

Blood was the medium these people chose. The one step they took to fight the static and the in-sensitivity. They chose to have faith in your dream of a better place and took off with a belief that you will join in and help save the one who is struggling to survive.

Each step that Sankalp has taken in the five years of its service is a proof of the fact that goodness and responsibility are still alive.

Every time we have received a blood request, someone somewhere has stood up and helped save a life. Kudos! To these unsung heros.

From the entire sea of negativity that surrounds the modern life, we have seen hope and promise rise from the hearts of the common men and women.

We have a small request for you. A request to let out the good in you. A request for you to take this opportunity to stand up for what is right. A request FOR YOU TO DONATE BLOOD.

We call upon you to be one of the torch bearers who will lead our country from darkness to light. We call upon you to be the guardians of humanity and contribute in the most beautiful way to the cause of life.

Dear friends, our small organization and all that we stand for calls upon you to donate blood.

The problems will not go away on their own. The world will not lay a red carpet for us to rise. It is we who need to make this nation the world leader. And this will happen only if we embrace our people who are in sorrow and pain and help them rise. Start today!

You are the one who has been blessed by nature with enough and more. Let the grace shine. Come forward and share!