July 2015, Vol 5, Issue 7

Spiti valley - a world within a world

Submitted by souravroy on

Rudyard Kipling had described Spiti valley as 'a world within a world' in his celebrated novel Kim. Over a century has passed, but not much has changed in this world, as it continues to remain relatively unknown, hidden between multiple folds of valleys and mountains, a world within another world. The name 'Spiti' means 'The Middle Land', i.e. the land between Tibet and India. Bordered by Ladakh in the north, Tibet to the east, Kinnaur to the south east, and the Kullu Valley to the south, this peculiar cold desert spans an area of almost 8000 sq km.

The Three Musketeers are Back

Three children supported by Sankalp India Foundation have completed their bone marrow transplants successfully They kept us on our toes, made us walk the unknown territory, pushed us to performance levels we had never known before, took us on a roller coaster ride of emotions ranging from happiness, sorrow, fear, hope, and undiluted inner peace.

Summer @ Sankalp

Revant Sindhu, a student of IIM Indore, spent 6 weeks in May & June, 2015, as an intern with Sankalp. Here’s what she has to say about her experience. It’s that one story that always brings back the same memories, the same thoughts, the same emotion and that tingling feeling of how nothing went wrong and you’re hence definitely forgetting something.

51 camps in 3 months, 4800 units of blood collected - Rakta Kranti's heated summer

When requests for more commonly available B+ve and O+ve units become a norm on our helpline, it is an indication that the need of the hour is more blood donation drives. Come mid April, and the first traces of the challenge were seen. Within 3 weeks the situation had worsened. How prepared was Sankalp to fight this out? Well, we would say that the preparation was fair.