The rays of the sun

Submitted by rajat on
This morning when I was riding my bike on way to my office a beautiful thing happened. Since I had started off a little earlier from home, I reached Mekhri Circle without having to struggle through a lot of traffic. As soon as I reached, the signal changed to Red. Somehow, today I did not feel the usual feeling of dismay when the signal changes to red just as you reach. I switched off the bike and stood their humming my favorite musical track. It was then that this immense feeling struck me. Waiting their, in the full morning sun, I felt the warmth of the sun rays on my body. The cold of the morning got engulfed in the soothing warmth. Ah!.. that minute... It was such a beautiful feeling to see yourself being caressed and comforted by the rays of the morning sun. The face which was fairly emotionless just before sprung up with the most brilliant smile. I actually tried to hide myself from the others. I did not want people to see me smiling so immensely when I knew they would never understand the reason. The entire face, the day lit up. The bike seemed better than ever before. Those 90 seconds at the signal passed away in no time. Sun! We daily see the sun. it has become so usual. Many of you may be wondering what was so unusual about all of this. But for me there was something special. It is the simple things in life that can brighten up our existence. we need not go and seek the help of seers and pariahs, or read books , or try taking some nature therapies. The world gives us bountiful reasons to smile. Simple things may have beauty unequalled by the greatest marvels man has ever built. I guess over time the dust has settled on our minds. To appreciate winds and the breeze, to appreciate sun and the trees, the chirping birds and the flowery trees, we wait for holidays. we wait for the scheduled times, when daily they pass unnoticed in the world around us. Refreshing and energizing, this morning was filled with promise and hope. I remembered my school days. My principal saying, thank God for each day. Today I really did. Standing on the tank top on evenings watching the sun go down., lying flat on terrace and watching the stars, a lonely stroll on BEL road, few minutes on top of Salarpuria, watching the sky.. Ah! .. I love my life! All I can with for all of you -"Have a Beautiful Day! Today and Forever."