Registration Drive at the Indian Institute of Sciences

It was 17 months since we had made the last database @ IISc. Since then contacts had changed, some people had left and most importantly mnay new people had joined in. Altogether, we had sufficient reasons to go ahead and create a new updated database for IISc. After months of deliberation and scheduling, finally it did happen on 14, 15 and 16th March, 2007. !2 Sankalp Volunteers with the help of Student Council IISc came to the campus to get registrations done. And what a wonderful experience it was. In the three days of Registration drive, we spent a day each at the three major Messes of IISc. Talking to students and explaining the scenario, we loved to answer the queries people had. The registration went on smoothly. The donors showed keen interest in the programme and gave a wonderful feedback too. At the end of the third day we could see ourself walking back with 805 Registrations as Donors 10 Volunteers .... and promises for a better place to live in. Thank you so much "IISc" for the wonderful support. Cheers!
Sankalp Unit

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Thu, 12-Apr-2007 - 16:44


it was a nice experience for me... i enjoyed the job i was assigned.. i got to see the behaviour of different kind of people.. also i got to see the campus of IISc.. Best part was the fluency with which the task was accomplished..