Sankalp helps during Jaipur Blasts

There have been 88 cases from May 1st to May 18th. And the donations made were around 18 during this period. The Karnataka wide blood search options information has been collected. Now, the volunteers are calling the listed places and collecting the other details and also trying to establish contacts with them in case of blood requests. The negative donor registration is also taking place and 3 donors (approximately) are being registered every week.

The Jaipur blasts on 13th May created blood requirements in that city. By around 11:30 pm, there were blood requirements aired on News channels. Throughout the night, there were messages being sent to all the people to be forwarded to people in and around Jaipur, to donate blood. was contacted to spread the message of blood donation in Jaipur to fulfill the requirements. Most of the requirements were fulfilled except for a few negative group requests.

Rakta Kranti:

(a) Companies: The third ITPL blood donation drive was held on Friday (9/5/08) from 12:30 pm to 9 pm. Four blood banks (Lions, Rashtrothan, Nimhans and Rotary TTK) were called. There were around 450 registrations and the number of units collected was 370, that is 80 donors were deferred for various reasons. There were 9 Sankalp volunteers involved.

(b) Colleges: All the colleges are now approaching the end of the semester and thus are not permitting for any other activity like Blood Awareness week or and blood donation drive. Thus, the volunteer started collecting information about the various colleges in Bangalore. The information of RV, BMSIT, MVIT, Acharya, JSS, SJBIT, and MVJ are so far collected.

Any student of any college (including the listed colleges) interested to spread the message of Voluntary Blood donation please contact Sankalp at 9880132850, or mail to

(c) Schools: Young minds are always keen to learn. Thus volunteers are planning to spread the awareness about Voluntary blood donation in the learning minds. The preparation on how to approach the schools and all other things are being worked on, so that once the schools open in June onwards, the volunteers can approach them.

There was a blood donation camp held in MSRIT on Saturday (17/05/08). There were 21 registrations and 20 donations (one donor registered and went out to have breakfast but did not return).

This week, there will be no camp because of Sankalp Anniversary. The next camp to be held is being tried for Medical College.