About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

Sankalp Blood Centre To Come Alive


Sankalp Labs are here
Sankalp labs

There are an estimated 110,000 medical labs in India. Just under one percent of these are even accredited.


Time for annual review-sharpening the axe for the year to come

April is a busy month at Sankalp India Foundation(SIF). This is the time when SIF reviews the work that the organisation has done in the past 1 year and lays out strategy for the year to come. Sankalp operates through teams which focus on different areas of the organisation's work. There is an emergency team, a team for the helpline, a team for thalassemia and so on.

A walk for Thalassemia

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder in which there is a reduction in the rate of production of haemoglobin and thus causing anemia. Treatment for Thalassemia Major involves regular blood transfusions. Some patients may require a transfusion every three weeks and treatment is often a painful process. With proper care and treatment, a person with thalassemia can live near normal life.