SEP 11

Submitted by smruthi aravind on
It is always very hard to accept that a tragedy can,in some way,have positive results.As we gazed in horror at what looked more like a scene from a science fiction movie-the two towers crumbling and carrying thousands of people with them as they fell-we had two immediate responses:first,a sense of impotence and terror in the face of what was happenng;second, a sense that the world would never be the same again.Life is at constant risk..and anyone who forgets this wil be unprepared for the challeges that fate may have in store.Whenever we come face to face with that inevitable suffering,we are forced to try and make some sense of what is happening to overcome our fear,and set about the process of rebuilding.
In the rubble of the world trade center there were people like us,who felt insecure or unhappy,fulfilled or still struggling to grow,with a family waiting for them at home,or driven to despair by the loneliness of the big city.

They were american,English,German,Brazilian,Japanese;people from all corners of the globe,united by the common and mysterious-fate of finding themselves ,at around nine o clock in the morning,in the same place,a place which for some,was pleasant and,for others,oppressive.When the two towers collapsed not only those people died:we all died a little,and the whole world grew smaller.

-- These were the thoughts of Paulo Coelho on the crash of the WTC towers....
And now let us take a new look at our values. If the world is not going to be a safer place again,atleast not for many years,then why not take the advantage of that sudden change,and spend our days doing the things we have always wanted to do,but for which we always lacked the courage?On the morning of 11 september 2001,how many people were in the world trade center against their will,following a career that dint really suit them,doing work they dint like,simply because it was a safe job and would guarantee them enough money for a pension in their oldage?
That was the great change in the world,and those who were buried beneath the rubble of the two towers are now making us rethink our own lives n values.When the towers collapsed,they dragged down with them dreams and hopes;but they also opened up our own horizons,and allowed each of us to reflect upon the meaning of our lives.
Let us hope that each of us will prove able to lift ourselves out from beneath our own emotional rubble and rebuild the cathedral that we always dreamed of but never dared to create.
N for september 11th...there is an other is da day the great soul swami vivekanada addressed the
delegates in the parliament of religions at Chicago startin with"Sisters and Brothers of fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordail welcome which you have given us......."
He won the heart of the people across the world...the world began to look at India in a different light.
If that is what we are..brothers n sisters then there will b no doubt that someday terrorists will get ashamed of themselves for their sins committed against their brothers.


Submitted by rajat on Wed, 19-Sep-2007 - 09:23


September 11 was not the great day of the change. No it wasnt! At least for me as an India. It may have the Xtra relevance for the Americans who for the first time saw terror right at it's face. As for us Indias, I guess all of us have grown up hearing and reding about the terrible manslaughters and mass murders that the terrorists and various extremists have caused. September 11 was significant only because it helped open the eye of the richest and the most pewerful nations in the world to the problems that developing nations have been battling since years.

But the other part is really important. The part about inner review and doing what you want to do!! That must happen. Without delay!! :) I was continuing philosophically, but I guess all I will try to do is make the best out of today:)

Submitted by Silver (not verified) on Thu, 20-Sep-2007 - 09:51

In reply to by rajat


More than 10,000 lives have been lost in the proxy war in Kashmir in last 20 years. None of the so called BIG nations ever bothered about the extended suffering of the people in Kashmir. One attach in their homeland opened their eyes and they set out on a WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. Are they the same people who raised their finger against our nation when it took a tiough stand on Kashmir and who promoted terrorism by providing arms and money to the terrorist factory of the world?